Based on the Regulation (EU) No 1227/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (“REMIT”) and guidelines of the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (“ACER”) ENS publishes the planned and unplanned unavailable capacity of production units of capacity over 100 MWe and gas consumption in ENS. The Combined Cycle Gas Turbines (CCGT) installed at ENS consists of three generating units: two gas turbines GT1 & GT2 and one steam turbine ST with capacity below 50 MWe each.
As of January 1, 2021, Internal Information regarding ENS is provided primarily on the Central European Gas Hub AG (“CEGH”) information exchange platform at:, and additinally copies of these declarations are published on the ENS website as xml files.
21-07-2023-A0005282M.PL_001_Gas consumption unavailability, planned
21-07-2023-A0005282M.PL_002_Electricity production unavailability, planned
30-06-2023-A0005282M.PL_001_Gas consumption unavailability, planned
30-06-2023-A0005282M.PL_001_Electricity production unavailability, planned
24-03-2023-a0005282m-pl_002_gas-consumpt (1)
zgloszenie-remit-ens-2023-05-04-godz-20- (1)
04-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_electricity- (2)
04-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_gas-consumpt (1)
15-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_electricity- (2)
15-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_gas-consumpt (1)
19-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_001_electricity- (1)
19-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_001_gas-consumpt (1)
21-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_electricity- (1)
21-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_002_gas-consumpt (1)
26-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_001_electricity- (2)
26-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_001_electricity- (3)
27-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_002_gas-consumpt (2)
27-05-2023-a0005282m-pl_003_electricity- (3)
08-06-2023-a0005282m-pl_002_electricity- (1)